Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Canadas Shame Essay - 707 Words

The infamous Harp (whitecoat) and Hooded (blueback) seal hunt photos have virtually disappeared from newspapers or television news. That does not mean that seal hunting in Canada has stopped. The mass killing of seals off Canadaamp;#8217;s East Coast is commercial, cruel, and wasteful, yet despite furious outcry from Animal Rights activists the government is refusing to take notice. The cruelty of this extensive killing operation, which starts during the sealsamp;#8217; birthing season, has been denounced for years as amp;#8220;Canadaamp;#8217;s Shame.; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The senseless slaughter of seals springs from the profit they bring, the use of their pelts for coats, and other products. It has been proven though,†¦show more content†¦The big commercially owned boats on the other hand have an entirely different method of killing. Seal pups are gathered up individually and incased in netting amp;#8211; somewhat like a bag of oranges. Dozens of baby seals in net bags are packed into wire cages and moved by helicopters to fur farms. After the pups molt, they are killed. Catching seals in nets unavoidably causes a slow and painful death for these beautiful mammals. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Seals are mammals, warm blooded like the rest of us. There is nothing in place to protect them because under Canadian law, these mammals are legally considered to be fish! Perhaps that is why our government thinks so little about slaughtering these animals. Perhaps that is why the quotas have been set so high and why both the Government of Canada and the Government of Newfoundland are now providing subsidies to entice more fishermen and sport hunters to kill seals. The Government of Canada is gambling that the public has forgotten about the cruel and bloody images of the Canadian seal hunt prior to 1984. The truth is, nothing has changed amp;#8220;amp;#8230;about 220 000 seal pups were killed in 1997 alone.; And this statistic does not even take into account the thousands of mature seals being killed; itamp;#8217;s merely the estimated number of seal pups being massacred. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Consequently the Canadian commercial sealShow MoreRelatedDiscuss the Idea of Carrying in OBriens The Things They Carried. What Is Carried and by Whom?1806 Words   |  8 Pagestypes of ‘carrying’ which O’Brien explores through these characters. Emotion burden came about from the memories and fear of shame, guilt and the loneliness at war. This the soldiers carried through out their lives. The men faced shame before the war when they were drafted. While many held the urge to go to Canada instead only some did. This is because of their fear of the shame from society of being called â€Å"Pussy† or â€Å"Turncoat† and went to war because they were â€Å"embarrassed not to†. 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